Historical Notes


Montericco Palace, park, garden and vineyards are full of charm. They belong to the Pasolini family which has resided in Bologna and Ravenna since the 12th century.

Pasolino dall’Onda, the first to be recorded in the Pasolini’s history, was Console of Monte Paderno, and by order of the Emperor Frederick II, helped establish the famous Montefeltro family in Urbino (1232). His son Bartolo became Captain of the Emperor and with other officers formed the corps of Guardians of Ravenna.

 The Family fled Bologna after the victory of the Guelfs over the Ghibelline Party (1270) and escaped to Cotignola: they fought for a long time against the Attendoli family, who later created the powerful Sforza dynasty in Lumbardy and the North. Pasolino fought also in Bologna, Imola, Faenza and Cesena.

One of his descendants, Martino, in 1396 settled his family in Russi and Ravenna, where in eighteenth century they held the hereditary robes of Civil Officers and Ministers of Justice.

The well known archbishop Antonio Codronchi (1751-1818) was man of church but also politician, friend of Napoleon, he used to live in Montericco where he gave hospitality to important politicians and statesmen. His sister married Count Giuseppe Pasolini dall’Onda from Ravenna and inherited Montericco. The Pasolini dall’Onda family was well known for its relationship with the French Illuminism, for its culture and for the political ideas which created the Liberal movement.

Among the well known descendents Count Giuseppe Pasolini, like other statesmen of the 19th century, he belonged to the liberal movement for the Reunification of Italy. He travelled in England and France, and was an expert in economics, agriculture and public administration. Montericco in those years became a center of European culture and of botanical research. He was appointed Constitutional Minister of Pope Pio IX and vice-president of the Higher Council (1847-48) and Mayor of Ravenna (1858). His status and rank increased progressively as he became Governor of Milan (1860), Foreign Minister (1862-1863), President of the Senate (1876).

Pier Desiderio Pasolini (1844-1920) was an historian and member of Parliament, Senator of the Kingdom wrote “Ravenna and its famous history”, author of several biographies, had many English friends, including George Macaulay Trevelyan, the well known historian.

Guido Pasolini (1880-1963), historian, published an important correspondence Pasolini-Minghetti, Senator of the Kingdom, Niccolò Pasolini (1931) founded ADSI ( Italian Association of Historical Mansions); Desideria Pasolini (1921) founding member of Italia Nostra Association for the preservation of historical heritage.

The Pasolinis have been members of the Orders of Malta, Santo Stefano and Constantine, Patricians of Ravenna, and hold the title of Count (confirmed in August, 1984).